Dear colleagues and friends,

Over the last 10 months, a team of analysts from the Center for Independent Living has been researching Bulgarian practices in 3 main topics for social inclusion for people with disabilities, namely the quality of assistance services, benefits and technical aids, as well as the process of deinstitutionalization.

Policy research is conducted on the basis of a developed methodology that uses the methods of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and reviews the structure, process and results of the implementation of certain strategic documents, laws, regulations and operational programs. The full text of the Methodology can be found on the Independent Living Center website.

We are pleased to invite you to the Conference on Independent Living organized by the Center for Independent Living, which will present 3 analyzes on the main topics and 1 general report on disability policies, as well as seek solutions to identified problems. It will be held on April 22, 2016, at 10 AM, in the conference hall of the Accord Hotel.

You can receive additional information and confirm your participation (until 12.00 on 20.04.2016) at tel. 02/983 25 15 and/or at For the people of the country we can take over the accommodations and the transport.

We are expecting you!

“The conference is being held under Project No.297/26.05.2015 – “Living of own will or of someone else’s will? – advocacy for human rights of people with disabilities “, funded by the Program for Support of NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic space.”