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Hello friends and followers!

The Center for Independent Living (CIL) is a non-governmental organization of people with disabilities and has taken on the independent life of Bulgarians with disabilities for its cause. In CIL, purposefully and persistently, there is a daily uphill battle to protect the rights of a huge group of people who are forced to live in a parallel universe. And it has no points of contact with the rest of Bulgarian society, except at Christmas and Easter, when charity events are held.

In order for Bulgarians with disabilities to live a normal and independent life, the battle for their dignity should never be interrupted. But today’s conditions – lack of accessible architectural environment, lack of accessible or specialized transport, lack of personal assistance, doom the battle in advance to failure. Therefore, we will rephrase the saying as “one disabled person does not make a change!”

The Center provides 99% of donor funding, based on developed and reported projects. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for donors to give money for the problems and difficulties mentioned above, because we are an EU country, ie. a socially developed country.

That is why we decided to open this section of our site in the hope that we would find people who would spend their money to donate money for the struggle of Bulgarians with disabilities for a dignified and independent life.

The accounts that you can donate to CIL are with First Investment Bank (BIC – FINVBGSF)

  • in BGN – BG39 FINV 9150 10BG N04G ZE
  • in euro – BG50 FINV 9150 10EU R04J 3Q

Thank you in advance and assure you that we will provide a complete statement of the spending of each lev from our donations here on our site.

The CIL team

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