Архив на категорията

Всичко писано през годините!

деца рисуват в клас

“Children’s Creativity and Tolerance”

On December 2, we together with children from schools from Sofia and Pernik painted at the 23rd “Frederick Joliot-Curie” Secondary School in Sofia. We called our meeting “Children’s Creativity and Tolerance”. The children painted a story we wrote. The fairy tale about the Green Elephant with the Red Trunk.

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деца в басейн

Our children are drawing water in a sieve

“We don’t want to be excellent at everything. Let the school give us the necessary knowledge! “

On 1st of November – the Day of the National Revival Leaders, students, parents, teachers and experts gathered together at 2nd  Thomas Jefferson High school to discuss whether the Bulgarian school is teaching children for life. We are not talking about a students with excellent marks. We are discussing the future of our children in a decade of hard work and a lot of stress at school.

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рисунка на деца с и без увреждане


We offer you this book with great satisfaction – and with anxiety. And also with hope. Our satisfaction comes from the fact that its small volume hides a large text – large with the value of the idea it professes, with its uncompromising nature and with its passion for research. This text is so “thick” with important observations, summaries and messages, that it is absolutely obligatory to read again and again with a pencil in your hand

As far as our concerns – it is determined by the fact that this topic has long been known in democratic societies.

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