On the Weekend of July 15th-16th has taken place the third meeting of the “No Policy For Us Without Us” project. The aim of this project is to enhance the participation of disabled people, individually or through their organization, in the decision-making process at the municipal level.
Policy papers will be drafted by applying Agenda 22 instrument – an inclusive disability policy framework based on the principles embedded in the UN Standard Rules for Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, which takes into consideration all areas of public life.
Five municipalities are part of the pilot project and are now in the process of designing the policy papers. The recent meeting concerned the way to influence the local authorities in order to integrate the guidelines included in the documents and to design an action plan.
The next step will be the implementation and further monitoring of local disability policies. We hope that this pilot project will be extended to other municipalities and that disability NGOs will so strengthen their position in the communities.