Архив на категорията

Всичко писано през годините!

достойнство човешко

The integration and the Law on the Integration of Persons with Disabilities

What changes do we need in the law on the integration of persons with disabilities?

Even at its adoption, it was clear that the Law on the Integration of Persons with Disabilities was rather an unsuccessful compromise between regulations for “integration”, as demanded by some human rights organizations and experts from the European Union, and “social service” mechanisms, which were urged by the government and supported by nationally represented organizations.

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Regarding the “meaningless” projects

“BGN 2.5 million for disabled people are sinking into the association” – this title you can read in “168 hours” newspaper. Аcross the page is getting to the bottom of the “huge amount”. Unproven suggestions are made for the worthless efforts, because second-hand clothes, flour and sugar or day-care are not offered. The article, as a whole, is not worthy of attention, if it was not making meaningless any activity that helps people to learn, to seek solutions to the problems themselves, to uphold their human rights, which are seriously violated by the state; the risk of any human rights project being identified as “meaningless”.

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The draft Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities was adopted by the AD HOC committee on friday 25 august 2006.

The Convention is a set of 40 articles, aiming at prohibiting discrimination against persons with disabilities in all areas of life. Although it doesn’t create new rights, it is a step toward the international recognition of the necessity to develop specific instruments for the full respect of Human Rights toward the estimated 650 million persons with disabilities in the world.

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No policy for us without us

On the Weekend of July 15th-16th has taken place the third meeting of the “No Policy For Us Without Us” project. The aim of this project is to enhance the participation of disabled people, individually or through their organization, in the decision-making process at the municipal level.

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рисунка на информационен автобус

Equal opportunities info bus

CIL – Sofia started the “Equal Opportunities Info Bus Tour” on the first week of August. It stopped in Sozopol, Pomorie and Burgas, informing an interested and abundant audience about disability issues. The Tour will further take place in Vratsa on August 15th and then throughout Bulgaria until May 2007.

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рисунка на деца с и без увреждане хванати за ръце

Innocenti insight: children and disability in transition in CEE/CIS and Baltic states

The Innocent Research Report launched jointly by the Centre for Independent Living and UNICEF-Bulgaria on May 31st 2006 focuses on the situation of children with disabilities in Central and Eastern Europe and CIS countries that are segregated in institutions and special educational facilities as well as suggest policy recommendations.

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рисунка на деца с и без увреждане


We offer you this book with great satisfaction – and with anxiety. And also with hope. Our satisfaction comes from the fact that its small volume hides a large text – large with the value of the idea it professes, with its uncompromising nature and with its passion for research. This text is so “thick” with important observations, summaries and messages, that it is absolutely obligatory to read again and again with a pencil in your hand

As far as our concerns – it is determined by the fact that this topic has long been known in democratic societies.

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