We offer you this book with great satisfaction – and with anxiety. And also with hope. Our satisfaction comes from the fact that its small volume hides a large text – large with the value of the idea it professes, with its uncompromising nature and with its passion for research. This text is so “thick” with important observations, summaries and messages, that it is absolutely obligatory to read again and again with a pencil in your hand

As far as our concerns – it is determined by the fact that this topic has long been known in democratic societies.

Inclusive education has more than a decade of history, and as you will know from the book, this approach to education is already a real fact in the world. What’s more – it changes and evolves … it is alive. Because it is about living people – our children and their educators, teachers. And again, from the book, you will understand that it is really more about the foundations of the world in which we live. That is, for all of us, without exception. About our lives.

The book is published under the project “NO POLICY FOR US WITHOUT US” with the financial support from the Balkan Trust for Democracy.

The booklet in PDF format