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“Road to no exit for children: group homes in Bulgaria”

The International Organization for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (DRI) has published a report entitled “Road to No Exit for Children: Bulgarian Group Homes”. It documents conditions and practices that are inhumane, degrading, and risky for children accommodated in Bulgarian group homes. The main finding of the study is that reforms in Bulgaria, supported by EU funds and other international sources “are replacing the system of large, outdated and falling apart orphanages with new, smaller buildings where services continue to function the old way as traditional institutions.”

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Reinstitutionalising deinstitutionalisation

RI-ing DI[1]– this is how the process of deinstitutionalization (DI) in Bulgaria could be briefly described despite the token consensus around the need to take children and young adults (including those with physical and mental disabilities) out of the large institutions and to place them in foster care, protected dwellings, small group homes (SMG) and residential family-type settings.

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